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#29 Part 2: Hope in Leading Through Organizational Chaos

Season #1 Episode #29

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Summary  & Application:

To recap leading through organizational chaos

Step 1 is to put the oxygen mask on yourself in the domain of self

Step 2 is to put the oxygen mask on others in the domain of relationships

Step 3 is to rally the group around a common cause in the domain of culture. 

To rally the group you can be the positive voice at the table inspiring hope over fear. You can lead the conversations in defining and reminding your coworkers of who you are, what your purpose is, and how you will work together to overcome the chaos. You can be the leader of influence to help define, coach, and defend the groups beliefs, values, and actions around the common cause. 

You can become the hero on a mission that helps save the day by speaking up with those inspiring mantras that keep the group going. 

If you are in a leadership position with authority you will in addition to rallying the culture of the troops…communicate clearly and often and coach others in leadership to equip and empower them to be part of the solution. You will also find and coach and if need be…remove the quiet quitters and energy vampires from the culture. 
