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#30 Part 3: Leading Up During Organizational Chaos

Season #1 Episode #30


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Summary  & Application:

Leading down is to make sure you are being a good steward of what you are in charge of and that you are practicing what you preach when it comes to leadership. Focus on the essentials only, clearly communicate and document everything, streamline the work, and keep the team focused on a common goal. And remember to KISS all the “stuff” that rolls down the hill to stop the avalanche of stuff from overtaking your team. 

Leading across is to rally your leadership peers by going first in inviting your leader peers to join a conversation in which you share a problem without badmouthing a person, and ask for ideas on a solution. Then as your leader peers begin to feel collaborative or competitive…the conversations can shift to supporting the first team…or the team that has the most pain points.  All the sharing of department pain points will reveal even more insights into the true root causes of the chaos throughout the organization. 

And in Leading up the organization you need to be humble by checking your ego and to have integrity doing the right thing even when it’s hard. Before engaging with leaders above you, you need to craft a message that is 1)relevant, 2)concise, and 3) directly tied to the big picture goal of your organizational leaders. 

  1. Identify your approach for delivering the message to make it relative so you can go for a win-win. An approach that helps your boss win and helps you win  So your approach needs to be relevant by being closely connected to what is already being worked on or considered by upper level leaders….in other words, your message needs to be of assistance to a problem they are already working on. And this process starts early with research into finding out how your boss is feeling, what problems they’re working on, and what their priorities are.
  2. Identify the proposed talking points to make sure your message about the solution to the one problem is concise. Choose one problem to discuss and run it and your proposed solution or strategy through a SWOT analysis or strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  3. Take action to schedule a time to converse with leaders above you and then present one problem, one goal, and one strategy through a 3rd party concept by naming a common enemy that everyone wants to defeat together.
